About Sandy's Site

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Sandy was a source of joy for us throughout her life. 

The purpose of this site is to honor the memory of a fine dog and to share some of the happy moments we were able to capture on film with dog lovers everywhere.


Please E-Mail comments 

to jnuss@twmi.rr.com


Contemplating Lake Michigan

This site has greatly exceeded the expectations I had for it when I put it up about one year ago. Thanks to everyone for your comments and feedback. It has been very gratifying to hear that you appreciated what I was trying to do.  I'm going to leave this site up as it was originally designed for at least a while longer. 

If you're interested please check out my newer site on Michigan Waterfalls

John Nuss 
January 3, 1998


Sandy 1985 - Age 2

Pages created by John L. Nuss 

(My first, comments are welcome.)
Photographs Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 
John and Susan Nuss
all rights reserved.

Pages designed with Netscape Composer and
Symantec Visual Page 2.0.
Photos scanned from prints with Kodak Snapshot 1 and UMAX Astra 1220U.
Additional processing performed with Microsoft PictureIt, PictureWorks PhotoEnhancer, MGI PhotoSuite, NetStudio, and Web Graphics Optimizer.


Sandy 1995 - Age 12


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