Overview Map of North American
Bigfoot Sightings
reported by selected bigfoot research organization web sites
Maps compiled using DeLorme
Topo USA® and Google
Google Earth® Overview Map
To view in detail install Google Earth and download bigfootreports.kmz.
Important: You must expand the Google Earth timeline to see placemarks.
What this is:
One individual's effort
to map a large number of the more
credible bigfoot / sasquatch reports published on the
internet; essentially to provide a reasonably comprehensive
index of reports and
a tool to help assess their geographic distribution. What it is not: A complete index of all bigfoot sightings. It can never be anywhere near complete for a variety of reasons. First, that ideal would totally depend upon all witnesses reporting their encounters. Second, limited manpower within bigfoot research organizations means there will always be a sizeable backlog of unevaluated and unpublished reports. Also some reports may be considered too sensitive for publication. Finally, this particular effort is also under-resourced. (The fact that not all researchers organize their web sites in a manner that facilitates monitoring new reports is also a factor.) So, while thousands of reports have been mapped here, it's quite likely that a very substantial number of encounters are not represented. |
dedicate so much effort to mapping reports of a creature that remains
unrecognized by mainstream science? |
Sample maps updated: 04 Aug 2007 Overview maps updated: 28 Apr 2010 Other site content updated: 21 Mar 2016 |